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The Top 7 Health Benefits of Flaxseed
flaxseed provides protein, fiber, and omega-3 fatty acids. It may help lower the risk of some cancers, help you maintain a moderate weight, and reduce cholesterol and blood pressure.
With its mild, nutty flavor and crisp, crunchy consistency, flaxseed is a versatile ingredient that can enhance the taste and texture of almost any recipe.
One way to use this seed is by mixing it into my morning smoothie. It also makes an excellent addition to pancake batter, homemade veggie burgers, and even overnight oats.
What’s more, it’s loaded with nutrients and linked to numerous benefits.
Here are 9 health benefits of flaxseed that are backed by science, along with some easy ways to increase your intake.

1. High in omega-3 fatty acids
Flaxseed is an excellent source of alpha-linolenic acid (ALA), a type of omega-3 fatty acid that’s important for heart health and found primarily in plant foods
ALA is one of the two essential fatty acids that you must obtain from the food you eat since your body doesn’t produce them.
Animal studies suggest that the ALA in flaxseed may help reduce inflammation and prevent cholesterol from being deposited in your heart’s blood vessels
A recent study in 8,866 people tied increased ALA intake to decreased cholesterol levels and a lower risk of ischemic heart disease — which is related to narrowed arteries — and type 2 diabetes
Numerous studies have also linked ALA to a lower risk of stroke. What’s more, one large review of 34 studies even associated increased ALA intake with a decreased risk of dying from heart disease.
2. May help protect against cancer
Flaxseed is rich in lignans, which are plant compounds that have been studied for their potent cancer-fighting properties. Interestingly, this seed boasts 75–800 times more lignans than other plant foods.
Some studies associate flaxseed intake with a lower risk of breast cancer, particularly for postmenopausal women .
Animal and test-tube studies also show flaxseed to protect against colorectal, skin, blood, and lung cancer
Keep in mind that more research is needed in humans.
3. Rich in fiber
Just 1 tablespoon (7 grams) of ground flaxseed packs 2 grams of fiber, which is around 5% and 8% of the daily recommended intake for men and women, respectively.
What’s more, flaxseed contains two types of fiber — soluble and insoluble — which get fermented by the bacteria in your intestines to support gut health and improve bowel regularity .
While soluble fiber absorbs water in your intestines and slows down digestion, which may help regulate blood sugar levels and lower cholesterol, insoluble fiber adds bulk to the stool, which may prevent constipation and promote regular bowel movements
4. May lower cholesterol levels
Flaxseed may also help lower cholesterol levels.
According to a 1-month study in people with peripheral artery disease, eating 4 tablespoons (30 grams) of milled flaxseed per day decreased levels of LDL (bad) cholesterol by 15% .
A 12-week study in 112 people with high blood pressure had similar findings, reporting that 4 tablespoons (30 grams) of flaxseed per day led to significant reductions in body mass index (BMI), total cholesterol, and blood pressure .
These effects may be due to the fiber in flaxseed, which binds to bile salts before being excreted by your body. To replenish these bile salts, cholesterol is pulled from your blood into your liver, resulting in lower levels .

5. May reduce blood pressure
Flaxseed is renowned for its ability to decrease blood pressure levels .
A review of 15 studies found that supplementing with flaxseed products, including flaxseed powder, may significantly lower levels of both systolic and diastolic blood pressure — the top and bottom numbers on a reading, respectively .
This seed may be especially effective for those with high blood pressure levels. In fact, a small, 12-week study showed that taking 4 tablespoons (30 grams) of flaxseed per day reduced blood pressure in those with high levels .
Furthermore, according to a large review of 11 studies, taking flaxseed daily for more than 3 months may lower blood pressure levels by 2 mmHg .
While that might seem insignificant, some research suggests that a reduction of 2 mmHg decreases the risk of stroke and coronary heart disease by 14% and 6%, respectively .
6. May stabilize your blood sugar levels
Flaxseed may stabilize blood sugar levels and promote blood sugar control.
According to a review of 25 studies, whole flaxseed may decrease blood sugar and prevent insulin resistance, a condition that impairs the body’s ability to regulate blood sugar levels effectively.
This blood-sugar-lowering effect may be due to this seed’s soluble fiber content. Research shows that soluble fiber slows the absorption of sugar in the blood, which may reduce blood sugar levels.
As such, flaxseed may be particularly helpful if you have type 2 diabetes.
Keep in mind that the benefits of flaxseed for blood sugar control apply mostly to whole flaxseed rather than flaxseed oil. This is because flaxseed oil lacks fiber .
7. May help you manage your weight
Several studies suggest that flaxseed may aid weight management.
One older study found that a drink with flax fiber tablets containing 2.5 grams of soluble fiber reduced feelings of hunger and overall appetite .
This is likely because soluble fiber slows digestion and increases feelings of fullness, which may be especially useful if you’re trying to lose weight .
In fact, a large review of 45 studies found that supplementing with flaxseed resulted in significant reductions in body weight, BMI, and belly fat .